Sale Saturday September 14th

Thursday, November 15, 2007

25% off all Rowan Yarns

Happy 44th anniversary Mom and Dad!! I don' t know who deserves to be congratulated more.

With the jump of the Canadian dollar, we are reducing the prices of some yarns to stay competitive. We don't know how long these reduced prices will last-it will depend on the market. Long conversations took place before we decided to do this. For some yarns there is a percentage off, for others there is a set dollar amount decrease. For other products like Addi Turbo needles, we are charging you based on the price that we paid when the shipment came in. The shipment that came in yesterday is cheaper than the one from a month ago. There is no easy way to do this. Please remember that a lot of our inventory was bought at least 6 months ago, if not longer when the dollar wasn't nearly as strong.

All in stock Rowan yarns are now 25% off. To find out about other yarns that are being reduced, please sign up to receive our newsletter (sign up box in top left corner of this page-just enter your email address.)

I have made some knitting progress. One and a half sleeves are completed on my Hip to be Square. Maybe this weekend it will finally be done!

If you are looking for shawl pins, we received a large shipment of the wooden ones that are made in BC. There are some amazing colours!!


  1. Anonymous4:45 PM

    It must be tricky to do but with the availablity of yarn online, you do need to stay competitive.

  2. Happy Anniversary H & K!!! It's really nice (and encouraging) to hear about the marriages that last.
