Sale Saturday September 14th

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Trying to be a good blogger

At the weekend I was reprimanded numerous times because my blogging isn't very prompt.

Quick update from Barry for those of you who were on the weekend. "I got my upgrade on the way home. It was a bit rocky but a nice flight until about 10 minutes out from LAX when we crossed through the tailwind of a Jumbo Jet which forced to drop out of the sky, rock and roll from side to side and to almost turn around by 180 degrees in just seconds. Everything fell out of the kitchen, people fell out of their seats and everyone was screaming. It was not pretty when you saw the earth out of the side of the window. The pilot got us back on track and told us what happened and everyone felt a bit better."

I have been unpacking boxes all day. It will feel good when all the boxes are unpacked and I have no more packing until The Knitter's Frolic in April. Thank goodness I didn't have to pack up my apartment to move to the townhouse.

I have a couple of balls of Naturally Tussock Chunky in a bag to take home with me. I am going to play with something that has been roaming around in the my head for a couple of days. If it goes as planned, it will be a great car coat.


  1. Anonymous8:30 PM

    That is a terrifying story. I've never heard of that happening before.

  2. Welcome home.

    And of Course you can't be blogging Every Day: that's impossible. Unless of course you never leave your computer-chair.
    You're busy having a life. Just as it should be !

    Glad that the Gone Stitchin' weekend was a marvellous success.

  3. That's why I don't fly ... scary stuff. LOL

  4. OMG! I'm glad the pilot was able to recover so quickly!
