Sale Saturday September 14th

Thursday, August 23, 2007

New Yarns

This post was started on Tuesday-I will add new content at the bottom.

Life might get back to normal this week-probably not.

I spent yesterday in front of the computer doing Gone Stitchin' work. The last mailing is now complete and will go out today. Now we just have to finish up the last minute details.

Roko is at the vets-he's being fixed today. Poor guy. Melo will be staying with mom and dad for a few days so that Roko can rest. It will be interesting-Roko has never been away from Melo.

Lots of boxes arrived today.

-Kaffe Fassett sock yarn

-Mirasol yarns

With no posting last week, I didn't talk about Hell's Kitchen. I was very happy to see Rock win-I think he will do a good job. How about Big Brother? Dustin getting voted off was amazing. I hate it when the house guests get cocky and think they are invincible. Eric voting against Dustin was great-the week before Dustin should have voted to get Eric out like he promised he would do. I bet he is second guessing himself.

It is now Thursday morning.

Roko is doing well. He has to wear a cone on his head so he doesn't scratch or lick-it isn't making him happy. He hasn't noticed that Melo isn't around. He isn't allowed on either of our beds so Beth spent the first night on the living room couch. Not very comfortable. We have moved her mattress-king size-into the loft so they can both sleep on it.

The new yarn, Silk Flamme, and books from Elsebeth Lavold have arrived. The yarn is amazing-wool, silk and alpaca.

It's time to start thinking about the Knitter's Fair in Kitchener. The show is only a couple of weeks away. A word of advice for those coming to the show-don't come until noon. The show is packed at 9:30 and you can't get into many of the booths. If you come at noon, the crowd starts to thin out a bit.

1 comment:

  1. Glad Roko is doing well. Spoiled little puppy. :) I want to make it to the knitter's fair, but will have to see what the day brings.
