Sale Saturday September 14th

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

New house and store arrivals

I got a new toy today-a laptop for the store. Many days people come in with patterns calling for yarns that we don't carry. Now I can check out the tension, yardage, etc while they are in the store. I can also show shade cards for yarns that we carry. Shipping can now be done from the store and I won't have to bring boxes home.

A shipment came in today from Namaste-we received some new styles of bags that we haven't carried before as well as some bags that we have been out of for some time.

Beth and I picked out a mirror at Pier 1 a couple of months ago. There were two colours in the store-reds and oranges or greys and teals. We couldn't make up our minds as to which would look better in the house. We finally decided on the greys and teals but Pier 1 was then sold out of them. Beth paid for a mirror but after six weeks they still didn't have stock of them. Well, it finally came in today!!! Now we need to get Dad back to put it up.
I got a bit of knitting done in the store today. The second sleeve is almost done on the mystery sweater. Here is a small portion of the back-yes I know they are different lengths. This is the shawl pin that will be used to close the jacket.


  1. Awesome - all the comforts of home now, with more yarn choices!! LOL

  2. The mystery sweater is nice. I love the greens.

    I'm glad your mirror came. I hate waiting for stuff like that ... there's this void on the wall until it finally arrives.

  3. I love the colour and pattern of the mystery shawl. Decorating can be very exciting!
