Sale Saturday September 14th

Monday, July 30, 2007

I now have a bedroom

I have been knitting but don't have pictures for you. I am working on a experiment. If it works out (should know later this week) then I will let you see it.

My bedroom furniture arrived on Saturday afternoon. This is very exciting-I haven't had bedroom furniture (headboards, end tables and dresser) since I left my parents house for university. My bedroom in Myrtle Beach has all these but I usually sleep there about 3 nights out of a year so those don't really count.

The last pieces of furniture we need are couches for the loft and our dining room table.

How about Big Brother last night? Jen crying because she was put on the block-does she think these people like her?

I am off to Toronto-we need bags for the tent sale. The bag store is right around the corner from Yorkdale so I'm going to stop in and see what's new.

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