Sale Saturday September 14th

Friday, July 06, 2007

More knitting to report

I have been knitting away on Lizard Ridge. Since Tuesday I have finished three squares and the fourth is almost done. You wouldn't believe how much knitting you can get done when there is no computer in the house. Of course, I haven't read your blogs-sorry if I have missed anything important. Bell still hasn't transferred my internet to the new house so I am in the apartment before opening the store this morning. I had to pay bills, etc and won't do a quick post.

These are some pictures from Las Vegas. There is an amazing Conservatory in the Bellagio. It is a must see on every visit. The display of flowers is to die for and I'm not a flower person-can't grow them to save my life. The theme this trip was Route 66. The display gets changed seasonally which must take many hours with many people working.

1 comment:

  1. Love the squares. I am diligently working on mine...LOL.

    I love the photos from Las Vegas...I may have to cave and go one day!
