Sale Saturday September 14th

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Thank you Cathy

While I was away the Neat Freak struck again. The store looks amazing. Cathy spent Friday, Tuesday and Wednesday going through the shelves and pulling off oddballs for the tent sale. She also moved yarns around and straightened. Then she did the miraculous. She worked yesterday so I had time to put things away at the house. Cathy totally cleaned out the bathroom. If you haven't used it, you won't understand, but there are some of you out there who will when you come in the next time.

Beth and I were at the house yesterday at 8am. The builder let us in even though we hadn't closed yet. The TVs arrived before 9-they were the most expensive purchase so we were thankful when the truck pulled up. The lawyers office called at 9:15 and the deal was done. We owned a house. Before noon we had couches and beds. Kelsey's has an arrangement with our builder and they brought us free lunch. It was great!! Most of the day was spent putting things away and washing dishes. We slept there last night but I didn't get a good sleep. I think my mind was going over things I needed to do today and I was afraid of sleeping in and missing work.

The store was busy today-shocking for a long weekend but I'm not complaining. We are on our way to a barbecue and then home to entertain my parents friends. I think they are more excited about the house than we are.

Have a safe weekend!!!


  1. Congratulations on the house! It took me quite awhile to get used to sleeping in our house after living at the apt. for 12 years, but before I knew it I was used to it's creaks & wheezes and was walking around at night without having to turn on every light as I went.

    I can't wait to see the bathroom!!

  2. Congrats on the move. Hope to see pictures soon with furniture.

  3. Hey, Julie!
    Congratulations on the New House!
    Who needs sleep when there's this kind of excitement in your life?

  4. Congrats! What a great thing to have luch brought to you. I am sure once the thrill of a move is over you will sleep better.

  5. Happy New House!! :)

  6. I am so happy for you and Beth! It is so much work and yet so exciting at the same time. I imagine you will be feeling settled sometime in....August! Enjoy it. I think eventually you will get sleep.
