Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The Shrug wins

I have decided to knit the shrug-thanks Kristin and Sarah for the push.

For my fellow Hell's kitchen viewers-wouldn't you learn to make risotto before you went on the show? It is always on the menu and most of them can't make it. What about Aaron-how did he make it onto the show?

We received our order of Claudia's Hand Painted sock yarn today. I wasn't expecting it until September so it was a happy day. The colours in the box were

-Purple Midnight
-Teal Party
-Black Walnut
-Desert Dusk
-Ocean Depths
-Ingrid's Blues
-Circus Dancer

The post man brought two other parcels for me. One was from my knitter with a finished sweater and the other was more Noni purse handles.


  1. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Yeah- you should know how to make risotto!!! I am excited about the sock yarn, though you might not see me for awhile. The spending freeze and all. bummer.

  2. I'm glad that Joanna got the boot - I was getting sick of her ragging on Julia all the time. I'm really pulling for Julia (waffle house girl).

  3. I am glad you are taking the shrug; it rocks! Love the colour in the photo too.

    You would think they would prepare before going on the show - common sense says anyway. As for Aaron? Ratings I'd say. It's hard to believe how snooty the girls are towards Julia although she has totally rocked so far.

  4. I want Julia to win as well. The other women treat her like dirt!!

    Kristin-sorry about the spending freeze-I hope it is over by the tent sale.

  5. I like that Dream in Color yarn - and machine washable too, wow. When you click on a yarn colour on their website, it shows a knitted sample. This is very helpful!

  6. I think they just put Aaron on there for entertainment value. Same with the short-order cook. I think she's great, but she'll probably get kicked off. She didn't even know what a creme brulee was!

  7. Aaron was a total stage. how could anyone be that lame and be on that show by coincidence.

    I couldn't get over garbage girl—yuck!

    Lovely yarn. If I weren't the worlds laziest knitter I could be done enough projects to start new ones.
