Sale Saturday September 14th

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

New Noni Patterns

There are new patterns from Noni-here is a sample. These are ordered and will hopefully be here soon. Rhonda, get your needles ready. I think I will need a Hydrangea bag in mauve.

I have been talking about my house for some time and then Jane came in with some news yesterday. If you haven't met Jane, she is referred to as Mom #3 (behind my mom and Bev). Jane works in the store on Mondays and on any other day that I can't work. Jane and her husband have bought a townhouse in Brantford and are moving at the end of August-still close enough that she can keep working in the store. She kept it quite a secret until it was a done deal!!


  1. Holy Flower Bags Batman!!!

    Congratulations Jane!

  2. NOT THE HYDRANGEA! It just looks nasty. I like the Fuchia market one better.

  3. I have been hitting by the Noni bug, too. I am really wanting to knit one.

    And I just found your blog, and happy I did so!
