Sale Saturday September 14th

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Finished the book

The store was in an absolute mess after the Frolic so this morning was spent putting it back together. Of course this means moving things around again. I bagged up some more yarn for the Tent Sale (will be held in August this year) and then washed the floors in the store. After doing this I didn't really feel like knitting so I finished reading The Friday Night Knitting Club. The ending was very unexpected. The book was okay but I would suggest waiting for it to come out in paperback.

This weekend my suppliers are having open houses for us to see the new yarns for fall. I will have lots to tell you early next week.


  1. Please don't have the tent sale the first week of August - I'll be away ;)

    I can't wait to hear what's coming up for the new yarns.

    I agree on the book - the ending threw me.

  2. August?! I'll be in labour! *wink* That's actually a good time ... I'll come, buy some yarn and then not use it until I catch up on my sleep. LOL

    I'm glad you posted this, there were a couple women asking me at the guild meeting "Is she having a tent sale this year?" ... how the heck am I supposed to know? LOL
