Sale Saturday September 14th

Monday, April 02, 2007

You might be wondering why I am doing two posts in one day. I just talked with my dad and he passed on along a message from mom-"your blog is boring right now!" (She made this comment because I hadn't done a post in a while-she didn't know that I had just posted.)

Tonight was the last night of my sock class. The ladies were knitting the baby sock from Cabin Fever. They all got the first sock done and the second sock was started. They found out that knitting socks aren't really that hard-you just have to follow the pattern.

Speaking of socks, we received in a shipment from KnitWhits called Socks for Tots. There are 6 different kits available (3 designs-two colourways each).

I got a few more rows done on Tempest over the weekend. It isn't going as quick as I would like.

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