Sale Saturday September 14th

Friday, April 13, 2007


My blog is worth $8,468.10.
How much is your blog worth?

If my blog keeps going up in value I might be able to afford the flooring that I want in the townhouse. The home show is on in Toronto so I am thinking of going tomorrow. That could be expensive!!

Yesterday I had lots of visitors in the store. Sarah came in the morning with her two daughters. Maggie and I talked about the merits of Montessori school (Maggie is three years old!!) Later in the day a very pregnant Kristin came in with her mom and daughter Clarabel. Clarabel knows the routine. She runs in the front room and I get the toys out for her. Then she goes and shops for buttons. Kristin-I hope the baby comes soon!!

My Thursday night class met last night. I had a migraine and relaxed upstairs while they knit.

I have suffered from migraines since I was eight and until Imitrex there was no drug that helped me. One thing that makes me feel better is Salt and Vinegar Chips (Miss Vickie's is the best) and a can of ginger ale (only Canada Dry). Sounds weird but got me through university. The weather is a real trigger for me and we are having great weather right now.

I am busy getting things ready for the Knitter's Frolic. Blue Sky Alpacas is sending a trunk show so we will have lots of great garments to display. I am keeping my fingers crossed that the Offhand Design bags will be here by then. There is a shipment from Mountain Colors on the way so we might have a great selection of Bearfoot there as well.

I got a bit of knitting done in the store today between straightening shelves. I left the Kimono Jacket upstairs so I worked on the Asymmetrical Jacket. I have finished 40 rows and need to get to 65 before I start the neck shaping.


  1. I'm a Zomig taker. Imitrex worked for a few years then I had to switch. I'm still looking for a food cure - I think of you & your S&V chips every time!!
    Acupuncture really helped - it might be worth a shot (no pun intended).

  2. Thank you for the mention.
    The yarn for the bath robe is knitting up nicely, but I have yet to get back to it after the first birthday party this week-end.

    Thank you again for all your help. I can't wait to get started with the Ultra Alpaca.
