Sale Saturday September 14th

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Growing up isn't fun

Yesterday we took mom and dad to see the townhouse we are looking at. No one ever said that Beth and I are dumb. We took them to another (cheaper) townhouse first. Of course they liked the more expensive one better!!! The problem was that my dad kept adding things to the list of what we want. He would say, 'you really should have this because it will be too expensive to add it later.' Thanks dad. Unfortunately the price is continually rising with our extras so now we have to sit down and do a really good budget to see if it is possible. Shoe shopping will be out of the picture for a while.

This is one of the saddest parts about growing up. Beth and I own a 2005 Mustang GT. It is only driven in the summer (5000km) and is stored in our warehouse for the winter. We are going to have to sell it to pay for furniture. Very sad but part of getting old.

I went furniture shopping last night. I wanted to have some idea of how much we will need for the essentials-a couch and a bed would be nice. So far I have been to four furniture stores and nothing is grabbing me. I want my bedroom set to be very plain. I don't want to offend anyone but this furniture isn't for me-and there is a lot out there that looks like this. When you have slept on a futon for 10 years, picking out a bedroom set can be overwhelming.

I didn't work on Kilcar over the weekend. The thought of more finishing was just too much. I did work on the Kimono jacket. I have a new pair of plaid (not ugly plaid) dress pants and the colour of the Kimono jacket is perfect. I want to get it done quickly before the warm weather arrives. Is it ever arriving?


  1. Try a company called Shermag- weird name, I know. They made our set. They're based in Quebec and make beautiful, simple bedroom furniture out of solid maple with a variety of stains (our is dark cherry, a gorgeous sleigh bed). They have excellent quality, great workmanship and it's getting harder all the time to find solid wood. A quick google should bring them up. We bought our bed at the Bay, and the matching pieces at a big box type furniture store at the 400 and the 407 a couple of years later.

    I've only been an occasional customer, but a visit to your shop got me through the day my dad had cancer surgery at McMaster a couple of years ago. Good luck on your search.
    Leslie - knitting therapist

  2. Poor Julie! I can totally sympathize. We had to re-evaluate our 'druthers once we realized we couldn't afford them all. It wasn't looking good for awhile, then we saw Our House.
    Hang in there!

  3. you're so right:
    growing up is really ... not easy.
    i had the same sort of problem finding "Plain" furniture when i wanted a bed.

    And buying a house is full of hard decisions.
    I really miss buying shoes.
    And clothes.
    And going to movies.
