Sale Saturday September 14th

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Visiting an old friend

I pulled out Kilcar over the weekend and started the second sleeve. A customer just finished it and told me that it is amazing. She said I needed it done and hanging in the store. I am going to work on this as my upstairs knitting and work on the Asymmetrical jacket in the store. One half of the jacket is almost done-should be finished tomorrow. Maybe I can get them both done before summer gets here. LOL!!!

I mentioned all the yarns and books that came in on Monday. After going through them all it is really tough deciding which to make. You will all be proud of me-I haven't started anything yet. I am going to finish what is on the needles-okay not everything because that will never happen.

I am sending my knitter Ann the yarn to knit Appledore. I want to knit this for myself but she can get a sample done for the store much quicker. I chose the colour Sail Cloth because it will look good on Bev when she wears this at the Gone Stitchin' Weekend. I know that you have seen this picture before but I love it so much that I like to keep looking at it. If Wannietta would hurry up with her Blue Sky Alpacas shrug then she could have some fun new yarn as well!!!

I have a funny story for you. My friend, Sam (not her real name but I promised not to embarrass her) has a husband who is a computer genius and wanted to learn how to knit. Sam taught him and occasionally he likes to have a go at something. When he saw the lingerie in the new Interweave he decided to knit her a thong. The only yarn she had in the house was Nashua's Creative Focus Worsted-a blend of wool and alpaca. Can you imagine how comfortable that would be? When he got it done he made her 'drop trou' and try it on. Because he was so impressed with himself he wanted to do another so this one is in Super 10 cotton.

This week is busy with classes. Last night was the second week of the Lattice Bag. I did not get mine felted on the weekend-I promise to do it this weekend. My class has finished the bottom of their bags and got the stitches picked up to work the body last night. Now they are on their way with the cables.

Tonight was my 'advanced' class. It should really be called the class I can't get rid of. Some of them have been with me for 15 years. They spent the first hour going through the new books. I think a few of them got some knitting accomplished-mostly just talking.

Tomorrow's class has been with me for about 3 years. Again, the first hour will be spent going through books and gossiping. Kelley brought cookies and milk last week and Lise has promised to make short breads this week. Can't beat a class like this.

Friday night I am teaching a finishing class. My biggest pet peeve is someone who knits a beautiful sweater and then they do a terrible job sewing it together.

I just looked at the clock and it is 1:20-time for bed!!!


  1. LOL -- Typical man, knitting the thong!

    I love Appledore. It's gorgeous. :) Kilcar is coming along well. I can't wait to see the finished product. :)

    Happy Knitting!!

  2. I'm rolling right along with it - considering that it is predominantly my "bus knitting" I'm making remarkable progress!! I'm trying to knit faster so that I finish it before I run out of yarn - it might need a 9th skein.
