Sale Saturday September 14th

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Roko comes home

Dad and Beth picked Roko up this morning. So far Melo loves him. They run up and down the hall of our apartment chasing eachother.

Roko slept in his crate this afternoon in the store. Beth had a meeting so I got to babysit. Roko loves yarn-especially the expensive stuff!! Melo had a rest and kept an eye on Roko. Samantha asked where Melo's name comes from. He is named after Carmelo Anthony, a basketball player.

I thought that it was about time to show some knitting. Here is the back of Kilcar. I have about 20 more rows to knit until the armhole shaping.

Dad is leaving in the morning for 2 weeks in Hoduras. This trip is going to be a bit more relaxing than those in the past. They are staying in hotels this time. One Star!! They were told to bring their own linens, the hotels don't have them.


  1. Wow, I think I would cancel the trip if my hotel told me to bring my own sheets. Crazy.

  2. What a gorgeous puppy!

  3. Cute cute cute! Too bad he likes yarn. A habit I'm sure you'll be able to break him of though. Thanks for the info about Melo's name. I think its neat how you name your pets after athletes.
