Sale Saturday September 14th

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

New project

I needed easy knitting while away at the retreat so I started a new project. Fiber Trends has a new pattern FT-459 called Color on the Side. I am using Naturally Vero Tweeds in a great navy, purple, green, magenta colour (#1). I am finished the sleeve and about to cast on for the body. Hopefully there will be pictures tomorrow.

You start with a provisional cast on so that both sleeve cuffs are cast off. I always mess up my provisional cast on so I searched the web for an easier way. Check out the Knitting at KNoon website to see a video.

I spent last night lining up instructors for next year's retreat. Sally Melville will be joining us. With her great knitting books and amazing workshops she will compliment Barry Klein's project classes.


  1. I love that cast-on! It's perfect.

  2. Hi Julie - looks like a great jacket. I knit Lara from Debbie Bliss' alpaca silk book in silk garden, it's gorgeous (so easy and quick) and similar to this one. I used 2 balls at a time when knitting to get smaller stripes. Yes, I need more time to work on my blog and actually put some posts and pics on there....prob. this weekend!
