Sale Saturday September 14th

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Dylan Update

The knitting is all done. The shoulders are sewn and the neck is completed. Sleeves are in and one sleeve seam is done. Hopefully it will be completed tomorrow and I will have pictures.

Today was a very frustrating day. My Expedition still hasn't arrived. It was supposed to be Tuesday and I WANT IT NOW!! Suppliers were sending finished garments for the Knitters Fair but we are having shipping problems. One shipment won't be here in time. Another shipment is being held at customs for taxes and duties. I have orders that I am waiting on so that I can make kits. They are missing in transit-maybe tomorrow. For those of you who believe in this-tomorrow is a full moon which totally explains my day.

Tomorrow I hope to skip out of work for a bit to go to the Canadian Open. This year it is being held at the Hamilton Golf and Country Club which is actually in Ancaster around the corner from the store. Beth picked up Swiss Chalet last night and Mike Weir was in line in front of her. She got his autograph on her Swiss Chalet receipt.

Did anyone catch Big Brother last night? Can't believe they finally smartened up and voted off Will. It is going to be interesting who wins.


  1. Oh, I believe it ... I'm entirely happy that the full moon is going to be done by the time Owen starts school. LOL

    Sorry your day didn't go well. Hopefully today will be better. I wish I could make it to the fair, but the boss has Michael working. Darnit. Maybe we should talk to him about the importance of Fair Day and that next year he should plan to not have M working. LOL

    That's really cool about Beth getting Mike Weir's autograph! That is one trip to Swiss Chalet she will never forget. :)

  2. Well, I guess it just another proof for the adage about "the best laid plans ...". I'm sure that you'll make it all work out or at least have a plan B to roll with.

    Go on Beth for recognizing a celeb & getting an autograph. I suck at recognizing celebrities. I've met them and it wasn't until they were gone and people pointed them out ... sigh.

    I thought that Danielle & Erika were going to suss them out a couple of weeks ago, but better late than never!! Mike is seriously concerned hence the pissed off petulance. HA! Now J & E just have to stick to the plan and not let Boogie get into their heads.
