Sale Saturday September 14th

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Beth blew the surprise

I am not sure what order my posts are going to come in so you will have to read both to make any sense of this.

Mom called last night that she forgot to take some pills with her to Myrtle Beach. She was going to have someone take them for her but when she called this morning they had already left. She called someone else who is going tomorrow and they were going to leave work and drive 30 minutes to pick them up. Beth didn't want that to happen so she spilled the beans that I am going!!


  1. Wow! Sounds fun! Enjoy your trip. :) Beth is a bad girl these days -- first she loses the camera battery charger and now she spills the beans. Hmmmmm. *lol*

  2. Surprise ! have a look at the column on Canadian designers in your fall issue of Vogue Knitting.

  3. Nadine
    Got my Vogue while in Myrtle Beach and there was a surprise. Congratulations!!!
