Sale Saturday September 14th

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Knit Lites

I just spoke with my supplier in the US and the Knit Lites are on the way. They should be here by the end of the week.

I picked out my new vehicle on Monday. Tygher Knits was suggesting a Pontiac. Sorry Tygher but I am from a Ford family so I am getting an Expedition-blue which is the same colour as my previous Expedition. It is at the dealership and they are holding until I take my BMW back.

I got a bit of knitting done on Bettna yesterday. The store is getting busier which means less time for knitting. I think that people are sick of the hot weather and want to sit inside and relax. They are also off to the cottage and need something to do at night.

Did anyone see Big Brother last night? It ranked up there with one of the best episodes ever!! You gotta love Dr. Will.


  1. Hee! No worries... dad sells Fords, so it all works out. One way or the other. :)

    Pretty car though! I think the Expedition is a bit bigger than my Torrent .. I like the two-tone though.

    Was Big Brother lastnight? *gasp* I've gotta catch up .. I can't watch it till honey gets home though, and that's after 9pm tonight.

  2. If by "love him" you mean "hate him" then absolutely.
    Jase is a for real shit disturber though. I'm not sure who I really want gone out of the two of them.

  3. Wannietta
    Gotta keep Dr. Will. He makes life in the house exciting!! You never know what he is going to do next.

  4. Congrats on your new car. Too bad it's a ford. *lol* *wink*

    Happy Knitting!

  5. these knit lights look so fun.

  6. I'm excited about the knit lites, they'll be great for knitting at the movies (or watching tv, in the dark!)
