Sale Saturday September 14th

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Knitting update

I couldn't stand looking at the ginger ale soaked yarn anymore so I gave it to my knitter Rhonda to clean up and knit something for her daughter. There is no way that I would skein the yarn, wash it and then reknit. I would throw it in the corner and it would sit there until the end of time. This is payment for all the times I give Rhonda a sweater of mine to finish.

Spent the morning at the hospital for an appointment with an Ear, Nose and Throat doctor. How can she be 45 minutes late for a 9:15 appointment. Glad it wasn't for 3-how late would she be then? The doctor thinks that I might have allergies, now must wait 6 weeks for that appointment. I have been told by Beth that if I am allergic to Melo, I go, not the dog!

I have one sleeve and one front done on my Daisy cardigan. The back is past the armholes and should be done during class tonight. Unfortunately I didn't completely read the pattern. I was supposed to do one knit row before starting the pattern to make a small border that would prevent the bottom from rolling. OOPS! I will have to decide when done if I like the roll and if I don't I might add a row of crochet to the bottom.

I just taught Beth how to crochet. Well, not really crochet but just chain. She is making a scarf-will show pictures when done. There have been a couple of bad words and the concentration on her face is hilarious.

Off to knitting class. It is our last one until fall. I can guarantee it will be more gossiping than knitting tonight and Kris is bringing treats-homemade butter tarts.


  1. LMAO - oops!!! You (or Rhonda) could also sew some beads on the bottom to weight it down a bit. sorry Rhonda

  2. Thanks again. Valerie thinks she's getting it, but I think maybe something we can share.
    P.S. If it is Melo your allergic too (which is highly unlikely), he can come live with me.

  3. I hope you're not allergic to Melo, that would suck. If it is allergies though at least you'll know what it is and know how to control them.

  4. My mommy is sooooo mean.... I have a pair of "Jane Austen" jammies that are in desperate need of a shawl and that wool is a perfect match for the turquoise ribbon that's in the pj's, but she says
    "noooo shawl". So mean.. but I think I can persuade her.. so thanks for the wool ;)
    PS I'm coming to the store soon for an afghan kit
