Sale Saturday September 14th

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Manos and good news from Rowan

Here is a picture of my poncho so far with my colour choices for the other half. I am leaning towards the green but would love some input.

Not much else to report. Got some reading done today. Still not feeling great and reading made the time go by quick. Back to the doctor tomorrow-round 3 of antibiotics.

Trying to decide what I should choose for the Knitting Olympics. Has to be something new and I have to get it done fast. Maybe a shawl. Something else to keep me awake at night.

Off to knitting class. If I cancel my Wednesday night class one more time a war could break out.

Forgot something of importance.
1. The pictures of the spring Rowan are now on the Rowan site
2. Prices of Rowan are going DOWN in Canada. Unbelievable. There is already a decrease on spring yarns and Kid Silk Haze. There will be more mark downs this fall.


  1. I'm voting for the orangey rusty colour, I think you like teal too much. It's time for a change.

  2. I really like the rust. I say go for the rusty colour. It's gorgeous. The green is gorgeous too, but the rust has that much more punch to it, I think.

  3. GO FOR THE GREEN - BETTER CONTRAST!! Congratulationss on the Olympics and thank god for lower Rowan prices.

    I do hope you get better and one day you are released from antibiotic hell.

  4. Yes the green does have a much bolder contrast, but in my ever so humble opinion, subtle contrasts are very nice sometimes too. :)

  5. next colour to use: Not the green.

    the rich rust colour.
    the green will not look strong enough against the colour you have already knit.

  6. I don't know how much stock you will put in my choice - you know that I'll put almost anything together! - but I really prefer the rust. And since I'm not the only one picking it, it must be okay.

    Cheaper Rowan?! Sounds like I need to celebrate by buying more! Their marketing scheme is working already!

    Thanks for sponsoring the Canadian Olympic Knitting team Julie - you rock!!
