Sale Saturday September 14th

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Almost there

The fronts and back are joined and I have to cast off one front edge. This leaves one front edge, the collar and finishing. As you can see there are lots of ends to sew in-the yarn only has 65m on a ball.
This is my view when sitting and knitting in the store. You can see that the hockey game is on. Not sure that I want to go into this afternoon's game. What a kick in the butt for our hockey team!! They were awful. Thank goodness for the rest of our Olympic team. Great day. I woke up to news of a gold and the day just kept getting better until the hockey.
More good news today. Half of my order from Jordana Paige arrived. These are the most amazing knitting bags. I have ordered extras of the Messenger Bag (pink and black) and the Knitter's Satchel (purple) so that I can have one of each.

My parents are in currently in Myrtle Beach and Mom reads my blog to see what is going on here. Mom-please tell Dad that I am almost done.


  1. Julie, you're making excellent progress. Hooray! I didn't watch the men's hockey game because, well, they suck and it's depressing.

    Happy Knitting!

  2. I can't believe you have got that far. Yeah! Are you sewing in the ends yourself? Is your mom going to sew on the buttons for you? I know you want her to.

  3. Great work Julie - I can't wait to see it in person. Those JP bags looks great too.
