Sale Saturday September 14th

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Finally some pictures

Been saving up so I have lots to report today. There are even pictures. I find that I like reading a post better when there are pictures-doesn't make sense but that's just me.

The Hamilton Spectator is publishing a new magazine called Ruby. The first issue came out in September and the next issue in February or March. They are going to do a little piece on the store and sent out a photographer to do pictures. After an hour she was happy with what she did. There were many, many pictures of me and yarn. She even had me knitting in some of the pictures (thank goodness I had my nails done just before she came in!!)

Here is a picture of my sleeve so far. I am really in love with the colour. Hopefully I will have some cables to show soon. The back is cast on and the ribbing is started.

I must admit that there hasn't been much knitting done because I have been reading. I started a book on the flight home from New Zealand in March and it is about time to finish it. There are almost 700 pages and I am now at 500. The author is Penny Vincenzi and the book is called Sheer Abandon. This is the description from the author:
"One night in 1987 an abandoned baby girl is found in a cleaning cupboard at Heathrow airport. A year earlier, three girls, Martha, Clio and Jocasta had met by chance, at the start of a backpacking adventure: they travelled together briefly and then separated to go their different ways, swearing to meet again when they return home. But it would be a long time until they met again: not until Kate, the foundling, is a teenager, and the three women are all leading successful lives. Martha is a fiercely single, highly paid corporate lawyer, Clio a doctor, locked in an unhappy marriage to a surgeon, and Jocasta a reporter for a tabloid newspaper, in love with a charming commitment-phobe. Which of them is Kate's mother? Why was she desperate enough to do such a thing, and how did she survive it?"

As you have noticed I am not much of a sock knitter. I have knit a one pair in my life and they were two socks in two different colours so I can't even wear them. However, we just got some new Opal sock yarn in the store. The colours are phenominal and it is almost enough for me to try again. This might be my airplane knitting next week.

I was back at the doctor yesterday. My sinus infection is not getting better so I have started another round of antibiotics. These are stronger and hopefully in 14 days I will be over the infection. My doctor is concerned about me flying next week but nothing will keep me at home.

How about the Bachelor on Monday night? Talk about some psycho women!


  1. I love that shade of green. Looks like I'll have to stop in and check out the sock yarn.

  2. The sweater is coming along beautifully, and the colour is stunning! :) I really like some of those colours in the sock yarn too ... As soon as I learn to knit socks I will be coming to your store to buy some nice sock yarn. :) Your book sounds interesting. Can't you read and knit at the same time? I can, but only if I have the pattern memorized. I hope you're feeling better soon. I've never heard of Ruby, but then again I don't buy the Spec ... Does it come in the Spec or is it a seperate purchase type thing?

  3. really like the green; it is bright and muted at the same time -nice choice Julie; you must like own a knitting store or something!

    good luck with the infection - perhaps the warmer weather will do you some good.

  4. Congrats on your piece for the magazine, that's awesome!
    I have similar issues with blogging and having to have a picture to go in it. It's much more fun to read a blog fully eqipped with pictures, so I usually try to slide one it.
    Actually...that books sounds really interesting too!

  5. Samantha-the magazine comes with the Spectator. I will save a copy and bring with me to the guild meeting when it comes out.
    I can read and knit but get so caught up in the book that I forget to knit.

  6. Julie, cool! Thanks! My parents get the Spec so I will have them save it for me too ... How exciting to be in a magazine! :)
