Sale Saturday September 14th

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

An Uneventful Tuesday

What a yucky day-cold and rainy. The perfect day for sitting in front of the tv and knitting. Someone said that we might get some snow tomorrow.

Many of you have been coming to my blog to see the Rowan pictures. They aren't here but I do have the posters in the store now. If you live in Southern Ontario, stop by and I can show them to you.

I must apologize to my Thursday night knitting class. I am always talking about them and their behaviour in class. My Monday night class now ranks with you. Last Monday out of the blue someone told a joke and the punch line dropped the 'F' bomb. That started things rolling. I was in such shock. I have tried very hard for 3 years to keep that class clean and now I learn that they all know the word and use it!! I thought that it was a one night thing until last night's class and they started again.

We scheduled Melo for surgery on Thursday-he is being fixed. Unfortunately we signed an agreement with the breeder that we would do this. He is such an amazing dog that I think he would make good puppies but no such luck. He even has to stay overnight at the vets. Our first night with out him.

The other dilemma in my life right now is scheduling dinner with a group of friends before Christmas. There is 5 families trying to get together. We have sent at least 15 emails back and forth trying to find one night that works for everyone. What did we do before email? I can't think about the hours that would have been spent on the phone.

Not much knitting to report.
I am working on yet another scarf sample for the store. The colours knit up are the ones that sell (I have been out car shopping so I really need to sell more yarn!!!)
I did get one sleeve finished on my Vision Coat. The back and one sleeve are finished. One front is finished to the neck shaping and the other sleeve is cast on.


  1. Best wishes to Melo (and you & Beth) for a successful surgery & speedy recovery!

  2. I hope the surgery went well yesterday, and that today Melo is home and happy. :)
