Monday, November 07, 2005

Rowan - Summer 2006

Here is the poster for the spring Rowan magazine #39. This won't be showing up on the Rowan website until the spring. Click on the picture (and then click on it again) to get an enlarged view. The magazine uses Cotton Glace, Denim, Summer Tweed, Kid Silk Haze, Calmer, Handknit Cotton, All Seasons and Cotton Rope. There are new colours in every yarn quality.

I was very critical of Rowan #38-Rowan was sick of hearing from me. In my opinion they took the magazine in a bad direction. The people currently knitting Rowan do not want funky sweaters. They want a garment that is wearable for the next 10 years. Most of the young women who want funky don't have the money to knit with Rowan. The photography was also done in poor judgement. The pictures were beautiful but it was hard to see what the garments looked like. I believe that knitters want the best view of the garment to see what their's will look like. I must say that this magazine is vastly improved.

There are 2 new yarns which are featured in their own magazines.
Holiday (56 cotton, 37 viscose, 7 polyester) has 42m on a ball. It is super thick. I wasn't able to borrow the poster for this magazine.

Glimmer Print (50 cotton, 50 acrylic) has 40m on a ball. It is also a super thick cotton with gold pieces overlaid on the yarn. My description doesn't do the yarn justice. The magazine is called A Midas Touch. There are 13 great designs in the new magazine by Marie Wallin (who I believe is the new in house designer for Rowan taking over for Kim Hargreaves and Louisa Harding)

RYC-a new division of Rowan whose website I just found, is introducing a new yarn called Natural Aran Silk. Here is a sampling of these as well.

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