Sale Saturday September 14th

Friday, November 18, 2005

Melo is home

Melo made it through his procedure just fine. The only problem is that he wants to lick the incision so he has to wear a cone on his head for the next couple of days. Not a happy dog. Actually Jekyll and Hyde is the best description. With the cone on he cries and cries. Take it off and happy Melo who likes to play. We got snow here today and he loves running and playing in it. He went to the vets with grass in the backyard and came home to snow. A little confusing. Here are pictures of happy Melo and Beth playing in the living room. He won't sit for a picture with the cone on.

Dad is leaving for Honduras on Monday morning. We now have to keep Mom busy for the next 2 weeks. I am going to take her to the One of a Kind Craft Show in Toronto. Always find amazing things and having Mom along means that she pays. For something like this she needs to take her walker. Luckily she has a wheelchair parking pass meaning we get to park right at the front door. Easy to bring parcels out during the day. Last year we could barely get everything in my SUV.

Just finished my newsletter-just a little late. Usually I mail this out in September. Where does the time go? This means that I get to stuff 800 envelopes over the weekend-Wannietta-why do you live so far away? This was a great job for her kids!!

Not much knitting to report. More scarves. I have knit over 20 of the same scarf in different colours-need to find something new. I did pull out an old Rowan sweater to work on-Jack from The Tweed Collection. The chart is wrong but I am working from the picture. It is obvious that the person who knit the sweater did not write the chart. I have been in a cable mood and the sweater has been calling my name. The yarn is amazing-Chunky Tweed. I am on my 5th ball and so far not one knot. Can't believe that Rowan discontinued it. The bright picture is the actual colour of the yarn but the dark picture shows the pattern better.


  1. I'm glad Melo made out okay. It's such a simple procedure, but it's always hard on us puppy-mom's, eh?

    I hope you're using a cable needle -- wouldn't want Wannietta excited. *wink*

  2. Of course I am using a cable needle. It is hard to teach an old dog new tricks.

  3. Who's the old dog? Certainly not you!!! :)
