Monday, October 10, 2005

It's a cold, rainy Thanksgiving Monday in Southern Ontario. After much talking about starting a blog, today is the day. So far the hardest part was deciding on a name. The next hardest part will be picking which project to write about. There are way too many to talk about-I am known for having many, many UFOs.

Almost finished Skeppsta-from the new Cornelia Tuttle-Hamilton Naturally Noro magazine. The front and back are knit in strips, using Noro Transitions, on 9mm needles. The whole sweater took 5 days to knit. The sleeves ended up too short so I had to lengthen and tomorrow I can finish sewing together.

For the rest of the afternoon there is CFL football on tv that will be followed by the NFL game tonight. This means lots of time for knitting (Vision Coat from Sally Melville's The Purl Stitch.) I have one sleeve knit and the back almost done. Pictures to follow during the week.