Saturday, October 15, 2005

I sold my first pattern

For a workshop at our knitting retreat I designed a felted, entrelac knapsack. Bev Galeskas from Fiber Trends purchased the pattern which will be available in the new year. The model is knit out of Tussock Chunky from Naturally of New Zealand.

This is my five month old Golden Retriever Carmelo Anthony (called Melo for short) using the knapsack as a pillow. Melo doesn't play with yarn unless it is really expensive. Luckily he hasn't discovered my shoes which are worth way more than the yarn.

Small Rant
Sometimes I wonder if yarn and pattern companies read their patterns before publishing them. I had a lady come in the store today with a well known hard cover book. She was at the neck shaping and the instructions did not make the neck look like the picture in the book. She emailed the company and they told her that their customers had no problems with the pattern and maybe she was having problems because she was a new knitter (which she isn't). I spent less than 5 minutes reading the pattern and looking at the picture and she was right. The instructions were totally wrong-not just a little wrong. We got it figured out but I have to ask if the people who wrote the pattern knit it after it was published.


  1. Melo is so cute!! :)

    I have a couple of patterns books where the patterns are in correct, but most of them have figured it out and have the corrections online. I wonder though, what one would do if they don't have internet access ... hmmm. Do the pattern companies just snail mail the pattern revisions? Your "small rant" is totally justifiable. I'd be a bit ticked too.

  2. Great looking bag Julie - congrats!

    About the Rant: Or the sample knitter "fixed" it automatically and didn't write down the changes or the designer/yarn company/publisher wasn't interested in making pattern changes at the time that the knitter passed them along.
